A collaborative partnership between the US Army Research Laboratories and a consortium of industries and universities in the US.
A collaborative partnership between the US Army Research Laboratories, the UK Ministry of Defense and a consortium of US and UK industries and universities.
Software for an efficient and powerful sensor network simulator that is also easy to use and extend by adding new components.
A distributed middleware framework that provides support for dynamic reconfiguration of large-scale distributed applications.
A distributed generic maximum likelihood evaluator implemented in the MPI/C and SALSA/Java programming languages.
Software for a Parallel Toolkit for Community Quality Metrics, including modularity Q and modularity density Qds for researchers interested in in community detection.
Software for a novel fine-tuned community detection algorithm (FineTunedAlg) which optimizes modularity density for the given network.
Software for a fast algorithm, GANXiS, for detecting both disjoint and overlapping communities in social networks (undirected/directed and unweighted/weighted).
A guide to concepts and methods for Object-Oriented Programming using Fortran90 to modernize legacy parallel codes.