CSCI4969-6969 Assign0

Assign0: CCNI User Forms and Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab

Due Date: Jan 13, before midnight (EST 11:59:59PM)

RPI CCI Account Forms

To create accounts on the CCI cluster for this course, each student must fully complete and submit two forms:

Both can be found on the CCI Wiki Page

Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab Account

Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab offers 15GB of persistent storage, and free access to NVIDIA T4 GPUs with 16GB RAM (EC2 g4dn.xlarge).

Amazon has graciously agreed to quickly approve free accounts for the students in this course. Please do the following steps:

  • Sign up for the free Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab. Preferably use your personal email (non-RPI). Use 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute' as your organization, 'Student' as your occupation, and 'Work' for why you are interested in Studio Lab.

  • Verify your email after submitting the request. You'll be placed in the waitlist for approval.

  • Send me your name and email you used for Studio Lab via submitty.

I'll collect all the emails and get Amazon to approve them.

What to submit

  • Upload both CCI forms directly on submitty
  • Also upload a file named 'amazon.txt' that contains your name and email you used for Studio Lab request.